The kingdom of Vega is built on a series of plateaus leading up to the Kulvinkof mountains in the north. The terrain surrounding these plateaus is made of arid, desert-like plains, and the only distance grander than the sweeping grassland is the vast sky touching down to kiss it along the horizons.
With so little rain and so much exposure to the elements, water is Vega's most precious commodity. However, there are few places with enough shade to preserve this water from evaporating. In fact, the only shade comes from the plateaus themselves- which is why human engineers carved out the mesas into actual table-like shapes, with still, cool resevoirs pooling below. Each mesa is supported by titanic columns at the corners. During the dry season, the plateau city stands tall above the prairie, with the resevoirs contained "under the table." Once the monsoon comes, the entire flood plain becomes a giant lake, swelling some thirty or forty feet until Vega looks like an island anchored in a crystal ocean.